How to win a prize?

Participation in the prize game is by purchasing a 100, 200 or 500 gram package of Bravo Coffee Premium. If you find three identical prize values inside the package (example: three TV printed) you are the winner of the printed prize. The prize game has already started and lasts until the end of the year.

Apart from the main prize of 30,000 denars every day, this year you can also win many other valuable prizes like: televisions, washing machines, bicycles, refrigerators, microwave ovens, coffee thermoses...


Љубица Бужаровска Костовска од Скопје
Ljubica Buzarovska Kostovska
from Skopje
Марија Сарафимовска од Куманово
Marija Serafimovska
from Kumanovo
Ружица Ѓорѓиоска од Македонски Брод
Ruzica Gjorgjioska from
Makedonski Brod